What is Chicken of the Woods?

What is it?

What is chicken of the Woods?  Chicken of the Woods is an edible mushroom, a tasty and super nutritious one at that.  

These mushrooms are fairly easy to find with their bright orange/yellow colors.  They can be found in the forest growing on the sides of dying or dead trees.  They are usually found in the spring and fall in many parts of North America. 

Chicken of the Woods is best harvested when it has a firm texture and and plenty of orange color.  As it ages it starts to loose it’s color and becomes dry and crumbly.


Poisonous Look Alike


 Be sure you know how to properly identify it so not to confuse it with the Jack O Lantern Mushroom.

This mushroom is poisonous.  Though it’s not deadly, these bio-luminescent fungi can cause severe abdominal pain, vomiting and other not so pleasant experiences for days.

These mushrooms are more often mistaken for chanterelles. If you are hunting for Chicken of the Woods, simply look at the underside of the mushroom.  Jack O Lantern mushrooms have true gills on the underneath, but Chicken of the Woods has small pores.

Health Benefits

It turns out Chicken of the Woods is super good for you! It has lots of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A and C, and is a good source of protein and fiber. 

It is known as a medicinal mushroom because of it’s many anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies have even shown that it can shrink some tumors! 

 To learn more about the health benefits of these tasty mushrooms, click HERE to read this article from “The Forest Farmacy.”


How to Eat it?

You can pretty much prepare and eat Chicken of the Woods the same way you would just about any chicken dish.  Just like the “real” chicken though, it’s suggested that you cook it before you consume.  Bacteria on the mushroom can cause digestive issues, so it’s best to avoid eating it raw.

After harvesting, gently rinse off any dirt/debri from the mushroom and cut away any dark spots or areas that did not come clean.  Unlike many foods, you can freeze it right away for later use without cooking it first.

 Like any fungi, or food you’ve never consumed, there is always a chance of having an allergic reaction.  If you suspect you may have a reaction, or you just want to be cautious, try a small bite first before eating a larger amount.

Check out our recent Chicken of the Woods recipe post below!

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