All is Well

I’ve been having moments lately, moments where I can truly say, “All is Well.” Those are good moments.  It’s a good season for us, a season of growth, new relationships and new adventures for our family.  That sometimes overly optimistic and hopeful side of me is alive and well. It’s been awhile for a little family update, I haven’t forgotten,

Thankful and Determined

Order in the House! Well, it’s about time for a family update, coming into the new year I find myself thankful and determined.  I’m thankful to God for his loving kindness towards us everyday, and I’m also determined to make the most out of the time He’s given me.  I’m always trying to find ways to improve my and my

Little by Little

Family Update Little by little fall is fading and a new year is fast approaching. Around these parts that means the cold winter is well on its way.   My family will tell you I’m not a fan of the cold, they would be right.  However, I do appreciate observing each season, I just get tired of some seasons sooner than