Little by Little

Family Update

Little by little fall is fading and a new year is fast approaching. Around these parts that means the cold winter is well on its way.   My family will tell you I’m not a fan of the cold, they would be right.  However, I do appreciate observing each season, I just get tired of some seasons sooner than others.   About less than midway through winter I’m typically daydreaming of a vacation home anywhere warm.  St. Thomas sounds nice.

More Birthdays

We’ve been busy around here as usual and when we’re not, we should be.  I like being busy having fun as well though and thankfully we’ve also been managing time for that.  Before October came to an end we had another birthday.  Our 10 year old wanted a taco birthday, so after scratching my head for a moment, I did what I usually do and clicked on Amazon. Sure enough there were plenty of taco/fiesta decorations to choose from. 

Taco Birthday
taco Birthday

Two weeks later we had another birthday.  Our oldest son turned 16!  We officially have another driver in the house!  He decided he wanted to do some climbing for his birthday, so we made a day of it. It was super cold out that day, so I’m glad I made plans at an indoor gym.
It turns out that our five year old is actually Spiderman!

All of my kids love climbing and like a bunch of monkeys they are naturally good at it.  My husband and I got a little climbing in ourselves.  I came prepared with my usual excuse of just having a baby a few months ago, just in case my abdominal muscles were still hibernating and I couldn’t make it up a wall.  I’m proud (not too proud) to report that I went right up the easier walls and did not need my excuse after all, but it’s always good to have one.  If you want a good workout, it doesn’t get much better than climbing. 

Observing Fall

Before all the leaves fell and when the rain finally let up, I just had to get out and take some pics of my favorite Maple tree. 

Add a little bit of body text(2)


It had already peaked a few days prior, but it was still quite beautiful even though many leaves had already fallen.  I’ve taken many pictures of our kiddos next to that tree and some of our pets as well.  Below is our beautiful baby getting bigger every day. 


Maple Tree
Olde English Bulldog
One of our Olde English Bulldogs

We live not too far from a nature preserve that we like to go to through out the year as the seasons change.  We got in one last hike before the weather got colder.  Nature and photography are two of my greatest joys in life, add in my family and I’m in Heaven.

"Old Sycamore tree"
He loves this pic, despite my bad hair moment.
Here is our second oldest son, who also happens to love the camera. He took several of these pics.
Someone got tired on our walk.
A little green hanging on.


We got a lot of great pics on that hike.  What a beautiful, perfect, late fall afternoon that was.  The unplanned moments in life are often my favorite.  I usually let weather guide much of our schedule.  When there is a great day outside, I find it unthinkable to stay inside. 

The Holidays

Well, another Thanksgiving has come and went and we hope you had a great one.  We managed to have the whole crew together again this year.  I seem to appreciate that more these days, knowing that in the near future it may not work out that way.  

Thanksgiving dinner

We have a lot to be thankful for.  God’s love, our family, our health, and of course provision, which includes food.  I realize not everyone has these things and we pray for many that we know who are not as fortunate during this season.

During this holiday in the States, we tend to eat a lot.  The first Thanksgiving was a 3 day event of games and feasting, I kind of feel like we embraced that idea here this year.  However, I don’t believe they had store bought ingredients and ping pong.

Here is a pic of my plate with some of our traditional dishes we prepare here at our homestead.  Yes, there are two kinds of potatoes (that’s a must) and yes, that is southern style cornbread dressing, is there any other?

I’m the type that tries not to think much about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, and I mean the week after, not the day after.  During Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in our home. That’s something that we can be thankful for and celebrate all year long.  For us, however, Christmas is a special time to really focus on the birth of our Messiah and God’s love that brought Him here.


My husband and older children just got back from a wonderful Christmas play that our daughter was in. It is an original story of a little girl in search for the true meaning of Christmas.  Below is a link to one of the filmings of the production. Check it out if you enjoy plays or if you’re looking for something to enjoy watching as a family this Christmas. Our daughter does some of the dancing and is an evil villain (we’re so proud, lol). 

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!  Until next time………..


Psst… Enjoy our content? Don’t forget to go down and subscribe, right now we have some Christmas freebies as well.

"A Time for Change" 10/22
Lazy Days of Summer
"The Lazy Days of Summer" 7/22
Grad baby post (6)
"Graduation and Baby on the Way" 5/22

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