Happy New Year!

It’s yet another New Year. Yesterday I launched this blog, kind of anticlimactic. After months of work, you simply hit a button and bam, you’re live. This is a work in progress of course. Not sure what this year holds, but none of us ever fully do, except God Himself. However, I think we have more of a choice in the matter than many of us believe.

I’m pretty big on goal setting, not in that I do it, as much as I believe in it. Problem is, what goals do I set? If you’re not passionate about it, then you will lack the drive. The purpose has to be greater than the sacrifice, or you simply quit almost before you begin. These days I seem to value completing something more than the object or task completed. I’ve went so much of my life without finishing things. I just want to be a finisher. I’ve always admired people who spent vast amounts of time on a project with much sacrifice, even when the thrill of the task was gone. Noah and the Ark often comes to mind.

I don’t like setting myself up for failure, so I try to choose carefully what goals to pursue. Sometime last year I set the goal to create and launch a blog. This was a bit of a bold decision for me as I knew little about computers and technology (much by choice, not lack of opportunity). However, I set my belief on the idea that if I just keep moving forward, (or “just keep swimming”, as Dory would say) and not give up, I could accomplish whatever I wanted to do. This was more of a theory I was testing, but I believed it would work.

So, with little former knowledge and experience (learning along the way), while caring for my family of 9 and the never ending laundry and cooking that goes along with that, the daily teaching, training and feeding our 7 children, numerous obstacles and 4 months of morning, day, and night sickness (we are expecting again as you now know), I did it. It took longer than many I’m sure, but I managed to push that button before midnight and here we are. It’s not perfect, I even had better designs that I loved and worked so hard on and had to let go of due to technical problems. Like I said, it’s a work in progress. It’s a journey, one that I think I’ll continue.

Sometimes, you just need to complete something, it’s good for the soul. Most of the time I believe we are the only ones in our way. Thank you for stopping by. I truly hope you have a very blessed New Year! Please come again if it pleases you. We can journey together.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Hi Amanda! This is lovely! Praying for a beautiful and amazing 2023 for you all! It is so very true
    that we all need to “complete” something! I believe in everyone’s heart there is some kind
    of “incomplete” work….that needs to be completed and even a longing to do that very thing!

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