Graduation and Baby on the Way

Family Update

At the end of April our baby girl (now 18yrs. old) threw me a baby shower with the help of my mother-in-law and some friends. They did a wonderful job, what a blessing to have such sweet people in my life. Here are some pics my daughter keeps telling me to share.

Afterwards, my boys arrived in time to pop a bunch of balloons and eat a lot of cupcakes. So all went well. Then, I threw on my hiking clothes, and we headed for the woods to look for mushrooms. It was just the beginning of morel season here and well, that’s just something I’ve done since I was old enough to follow my dad off into the woods. Although we found a lot more ticks than we did mushrooms, we still had a nice hike in the woods. Oh, and the boys found a turtle of course.

Morel Mushroom

I did manage to find this little mushroom in the middle of some rocks. I let my boys find it later. Fast forward a little, and we had our Home School Prom. This year we had three of our own attending and 4 others joining. My husband and I were the chauffeurs since we have a large vehicle, and of course, I get him to take me out after we drop all the kids off. This year was a little different as I had tons of contractions during dinner. It was a bit

distracting and a little stressful (being that I was over 2 hours from my birthing center). I knew it was a bit too soon and sure enough they subsided on the way home.


Well, time has a way of not stopping, not even for a moment, and before you know it your little babies turn into young adults. Our oldest child graduated this past weekend, and I don’t believe the reality of that has sunk in for me yet. I tell my children that I’m more concerned about their character than their accomplishments. However, we are proud that our daughter has both. I also tell my children that life is learning and learning is for life. We are to never stop learning and growing. So, although this stage of her learning is coming to an end, it still continues in new forms applicable to the new seasons of her life. I’m excited to see her continue to grow and see where life’s new adventures will take her.

FYI: She is wearing 4 inch heels and mama has flats on.

My daughter and I
Joshua (a.k.a. dad) and daughter.

Baby on the Way

Meanwhile, we are waiting on our new baby to arrive any day now. It’s certainly been a busy year so far. I’m looking forward to a little down time with our new little and the rest of our crew this summer. Of course, our down time probably looks a bit busy to many, but hey I’ll take it. On our little homestead there is still food to grow, a large home renovation to complete and many young ones to care for, so taking breaks has to be planned and purposeful. Thankfully, God blesses us with a new life every once in awhile, and our focus is realigned (so to speak) on what is most important to us and why we do a lot of what we do in the first place. So here I am a day from our “estimated” due date, busy (as usual), thankful (as I should be), and waiting to meet our newest little one face to face.

Graduation and Baby on the Way

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