A Time for Change

Family Update:

It’s been a couple of months now since we’ve sent an update.  This one is titled “A Time for Change” because, well change just seems to be in the air.  When I last wrote an update we were getting ready to take our daughter to college out of state and though change of that magnitude is never easy, I’m glad to report that she is doing very well these days.

Before moving our daughter down south, we had a family vacation at Smith Lake in Alabama.  Though not long enough, we had a wonderful trip.  It was just what we needed.  You can read more about our trip in our last blog HERE.

Smith Lake

Back to Work

After returning from our trip, it was time to get back to work.  For me that meant getting the rest of our kids ready to start some home lessons again and for my husband it meant getting back to work on our basement renovation.  It was also time for him to return to his full time job after being on paternity leave.  “The basement must get done!”, is our chant on a daily basis.  We look forward to the extra space.  

Yikes!, a before picture of part of the main room. I was cleaning out the storage room.
Boys helping with grout, the tile is now complete in the main area.

More Birthdays

We also celebrated another birthday, which is always a fun occasion around here. My son wanted ice cream cake. My intention was to make everything from scratch, but once kiddos started feeling sick a few days prior, I decided to try this super easy strawberry ice cream cake recipe I found.  This was really a time saver.  I also tried out an ice cream cake from the new Pioneer Woman cookbook (Amazon). Thankfully everyone was well for the birthday. Click on images to view recipes.

My first strawberry flower.
Strawberry ice cream cake
Strawberry ice cream cake. Recipe review coming soon.
Easy Ice Cream Cake
Super easy ice cream cake from the Pioneer Woman's latest cookbook, with a few changes.

Family Outings

With my oldest gone now and my husband back at work full time, it’s been pretty busy around here for this mama.  Honestly, things are usually busy for me, but it did help having extra hands.  Thankfully, I’m usually up for a challenge and my older boys are always willing to help. 

With schooling back in session here, I’ve had field trips (family outings, if you prefer) on the brain.  We always love getting out and exploring with the kiddos any time of the year, but especially in the fall when the weather is nice.  Fall has just begun here and the weather has been spoiling us.  Something we hadn’t done in awhile is go to an orchard, so when I heard of a local apple festival going on, we decided to go.  It was a beautiful day!

apple orchard
Our oldest sons found a way to reach the good ones.
apple festival
apple festival
apple festival

A few days later I had an appointment in the city, we decided to bring all the kids along and make a day of it.  We started off at our favorite zoo and had a picnic.  There was a newer monkey exhibit, (Primate Canopy Trails), we had missed during our last visit. The kids could climb around like the monkeys while viewing the monkeys, it was pretty cool.

The zebra has always been a favorite of my little ones.
On this day the zebra were all out and very active.
A giraffe of course.
Our crew of awesome boys.

We had a long, needed stroll in Forest Park later in the day.  It was a little windy, but other than that, perfect.  

So, there are a few things we’ve been up to. I considered changing the title of this family update, but I think I’ll keep it.  Though some things seem to be staying the same around here, we are definitely striving for change.  Good change that is. 

As Heraclitus (a Greek philosopher) said, “Change is the only constant in life”.  Just as the seasons change, so do the seasons of our life. 

Change is all around, especially when you have children in your life.  Sometimes they can seem to grow overnight if you’re not paying attention.  It’s still a bit unreal to me that we have one child in college and another one learning to drive already.  We have to make the most of the time we have because some change is inevitable. 

Til next time. ……


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