Made to Create

The earth provides everything we need to live. it’s a perfect habitat for us, uniquely designed to promote life.  Why then do we spend so much time behind closed doors?  Mankind has never been so disconnected from his/her designed home.  Yes, there are a few exceptions, but generally speaking this seems to be true.  We live in a day of modern convenience; fast food, mega farms, digital relationships, and generally over-stressed, unhealthy, and unhappy people.  What happened to life on earth?  Well, for one, people forgot their way.  People were made to create.  We come from the Creator and like Him, we have a creative side.

    We live in a day of convenience where we are encouraged to buy the latest gadget that will save us time, but time to do what?  What do we do with the extra time?  A symptom of our condition is that we have an unhealthy number of consumers verses producers.  The majority (wish I was wrong about this) seem to be spoon fed consumers who are fed regurgitated ideas and ideologies through televisions, computers and phones among other things.  So people go and buy the latest gadget that they suggested would make our life overall better and easier in some way or another, but do we really need life to be easier?  Is that what will satisfy us?  Is it really necessary to have machines tell us how to run our lives and manage our homes?  Is this what our society has come to?  We have been told to be people dependent for years, and now we are told to be machine dependent.  With all this dependency, who’s actually living our lives?

     There is a movement though. Thankfully, some are waking up, and a few never went to sleep.  There is a growing number of people who realize they have lost something.  They feel a call to something different.  They desire to connect with the earth (their perfectly designed habitat).  Instead of hiding themselves behind the doors and walls of man-made enclosures and having everything done the easiest and fastest way, they desire another way.  They long to create.  They want to live their lives, and they realize that the easiest and fastest way of living is not always the best way.   Convenience can be the enemy of creativity, just like technology and entertainment can be a huge waste of time when off balance in our lives.  If we had this much distraction 100 years ago as we have today, I wonder how many inventions, great literary pieces, and musical masterpieces would have never been created.

    Can it be that we’ve went from a slower paced, yet more productive way of life to a more fast paced and less productive life?  I must admit that I appreciate many inventions that have made life easier.  I’m very appreciative of my laundry machine that enables me to have a life besides just cleaning clothes and the refrigerator is one of the greatest inventions in my opinion.  Advancements in surgical and life saving procedures continue to amaze me.  There’s no doubt humans have made great progress with new inventions and new technologies and have shown great creativity in doing so.  However, as we embrace many new less important gadgets and products in our modern world, I fear we are also embracing new ideologies that do more harm than good and lead to a new way of living.  A way of life that many are finding less than satisfying.

      I fear that while embracing much of this newness, we have left behind some things that we were doing right all along.  We were born to create, and we learn and grow much better at a pace not set by others.  Furthermore, we don’t have to rely on gadgets to do everything for us just because everyone else seems to be using them.  Before making such purchases we should really consider if it will really benefit us and our families and what changes, if any, it would make to our way of life.  Ask yourself how you want to live your life and, if you have children, how do you want to raise your children?

      So, I would like to encourage you (though you may not need it), to go outside, breathe fresh air when you find it, play in the dirt, live in the sunshine, smell the rain, pay attention to the birds and the world around you.  Put down your phone for awhile, we’ve survived most of human history without it, you will be okay, more than okay.  Write a hand written note.  Grow some food, or make something from scratch, or both.  Connect with creation.  Do something out of the ordinary.  Break out of the mundane.  Don’t forsake what’s best for something new.  Go and live your own life, not just watch others live theirs.  Don’t let yourself be replaced by a robot.  Don’t take the person out of your personality.  Your life is a gift, so go and enjoy it.  After all, the best gifts are homemade.

2 thoughts on “Made to Create

  1. Wow I’m am blown away with what you have created here, one, I don’t know where you can find the time, two, you sure have a talent at writing!
    Bravo! I’m looking forward to more!

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