Crock Pot Tex Mex Chicken

Crock Pot Tex Mex Chicken Recipe This crock pot tex mex chicken recipe is a favorite at our home. It’s also great when you’re hosting guests. Anytime I can make a lot of good food in a small amount of time, it’s a win for me! There’s nothing like putting a bunch of delicious ingredients into a pot in the

Homemade Dairy Free Pancakes

We love pancakes! We usually make homemade dairy free pancakes. Around our house, I occasionally have what’s called “night breakfast”, usually once a week. Often that involves pancakes, eggs and sausage (or bacon), etc… Sometimes biscuits and gravy are served with eggs, or french toast, or whatever dish I feel like making. Mornings are often busy around here with chores

Homemade Dairy Free Waffles

Years ago we started making homemade dairy free waffles so that everyone in our family could enjoy them. My husband is usually the waffle cook. Even back when we were dating I remember him making me homemade waffles, I hadn’t had them until then. These days we make them dairy free and double, sometimes triple our recipe. —- Ingredients 2

Spring is Coming!

Spring is Coming! Spring is a time when this part of our world wakes up from its sleep and new life comes forth. Where we currently dwell, we have four distinct seasons. After winter, signs of spring are always welcomed. It’s a time of new birth and rebirth. This is quite literal for us this year, as we will be